Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cohutta Springs in the 1870s

Murray County had not seen a major battle on its soil during the Civil War. Perhaps part of the reason is that the railroad had not yet been built down to Murray. Times were difficult after the War. Even so, Cohutta Springs must have still been popular as a resort and watering place, if this Atlanta physician found it desirable to summer there and treat patients.

"Dr. W.A. Hooten of Atlanta, Georgia, will spend the summer at these Springs, and treat Chronic Diseases in all forms, especially the Eye."

Possibly, Dr. Hooten planned to treat, or perhaps capitalize on, sore eyes, a disease that was prevalent during the Civil War. Jacob Headrick, of the "other" Cohutta Springs (west) had suffered from sore eyes, a contagious disease that broke out in camp and spread among the soldiers.

These mineral springs were in the area of Cohutta Springs (east), northeast of the old Summerour Chapel.

[Source: Advertisement from the Atlanta Journal, July 16, 1873.]